Dept. of BMST
Govt. of India

Instrument Search and Booking

How do I search for specific instruments?

Use the search bar to enter keywords or browse through categories to find the instrument you need. You can filter your results by availability, institute, or other criteria.

Can I view instrument details before booking?

Yes, each instrument has a detailed page that includes its name, make, model, status, availability, and any pre-booking requirements.

What do I do if the instrument requires prior discussion or approval?

For some instruments, you'll need to contact the Nodal Officer or Technician for further instructions and to finalize the booking.

What is the minimum and maximum time I can book an instrument for?

The minimum and maximum booking time vary depending on the instrument. You can find this information on the instrument details page.

Can I pre-book an instrument for a future date?

Yes, you can book an instrument in advance, as long as the selected dates are available and fit within the specified booking limits.

What should I do if no instruments are available during my desired time?

If no slots are available, you can either adjust your time range or contact the Nodal Officer to check for any cancellations or adjustments.

Are there any dependencies between filters (e.g., does selecting a certain institute affect the list of available equipment)?

Yes, certain filters like “Institute Name” will narrow the list of available equipment to those specific to the selected institution. Similarly, selecting “Funding Type” (DBT or non-DBT) may filter equipment with specific payment methods or eligibility criteria.

Can users switch a booking from a DBT to a non-DBT project (or vice versa) after initiating the booking process?

No, users cannot switch a booking from a DBT to a non-DBT project or vice versa after initiating it, as each type has specific payment and verification procedures. Users would need to cancel the initial booking and start a new booking under the desired funding type.