Facility is used for In-vivo experiments. The Animal House ensures the supply of healthy, disease free animals and to carry out a continuous research on laboratory animals at ICGEB, New Delhi. The Animal house maintains Inbred colony of mice (BALB/c and C57/BL6 strains etc.), as well as selected genetically modified mice strains and New Zealand White rabbits. The other laboratory animals are procured on need basis. The mice and rabbits are bred in controlled environment and barrier maintained area. The regular cleaning of animal rooms, sterilization of cages, water bottles, bedding and routine health monitoring etc. are practiced to supply quality animals for research.
Detailed charges:
1. Internal Users:
BALB/C, C57BL/6 mice Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 120
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 6
Transgenic/Knock-o+R30ut mice Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 180
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 6
Rat Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 225
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 15
Rabbit Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 1350
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 30
2. iBRIC+ / Academia Users:
BALB/C, C57BL/6 mice
Transgenic/Knock-out mice
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 240
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 12
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 360
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 12
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 450
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 30
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 2700
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 60
3. Industry Users:
BALB/C, C57BL/6 mice
Transgenic/Knock-out mice
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 480
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 24
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 720
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 24
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 900
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 60
Production cost
(Per Animal): Rs 5400
Maintenance cost (Per day per animal) Rs 120