The system offers highest contrast and optimal SNR with in-lens and in-column detectors for HiVac, as well as dedicated detectors for optimal resolution in LoVac. The VolumeScope SEM unravels the complex 3D architecture of cells and tissues in their natural context which is crucial for gaining understanding of the structure-function correlation in biological systems.
System Specifications:
High-Resolution Field Emission-SEM with High Stability Schottky Field Emission Gun
Resolution: 1.0 nm @ 15 KV; 1.4nm @ 1KV
Beam Current: 1 pA to 400 nA
Accelerating Voltage Range: 200V- 30Kv
Stage: Eucentric goniometer stage, 5-axes motorized
Rotation: n x 360°
Tilt: -15° / + 90°
Chamber: 340 mm; Analytical WD: 10 mm
Detectors: T1 (Segmented in-lens detector), T2 (In-lens detector) and ETD (Everhardt-Thornely Detector), LVD (Lo-Vac Detector), VS-DBS (Directional Backsterred detector)
Vaccum System: High Vaccum Mode (<6.3x 10-6 mbar) and Low-Vaccum Mode (up to 50 Pa-500 Pa) for charge compensation of non-conductive (biological samples)